
How To Make Application Connect To SQLite In C#

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.
Hasil gambar untuk connect sqlite

At this time I will give you a tutorial on how to create an application that connects to SQLite in C # Windows Form. Well if you want to know how, you see the following tutorial. Tutorial: 1. First of all make sure you are connected to the internet. You right click your project, then you select "Manage Nudget Packages"

2. After that you search on the browse menu with the keyword "sqlite".

3. If it is then you guys install "System.Data.SQLite.Core".

4. To determine whether it is installed what you have not seen in your Project in the references section.

5. Well if it is there, direct you just connect with database that you created. By adding "Using System.Data.SQLite;".

6. After that the following coding to connect from the database we created in SQLite. Make sure the database files one folder with the application of your project, which is in "BIN". So the database file should be one folder in "BIN" with your ".exe" File app.

If you do not understand what database file you should put in the bin folder, you can open THIS URL.

7. Well your application will automatically connect to your database file

So this tutorial, I apoligize more sorry.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

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